Teacher's exchange at Tabor Academy, Marion, US

Rysensteen Gymnasium and partner school Tabor Academy have this year created the first attempt at a teacher's exchange. The idea for the teacher's exchange came during our long collaboration with Tabor and aims to support our Global Citizenship Programme and Tabor Academy's Intercultural Faculty Programme.
The focus of the teacher's exchange is to examine what both the schools and the teachers can learn from each other across different countries and cultures. In the same way that we are teaching our students to become global citizens, can we give the teachers a new way of understanding their practices and themselves as global citizens?
Peter, our teacher from Rysensteen, who is currently on teacher's exchange at Tabor Academy, writes:
"I have been here for a little under a week now and it is amazing here. I have gone smimming every day, gone kayaking, and overall had an overwhelmingly warm welcome. I have learned that you cannot necessarily teach Pontoppidan and Blixen here (at least not without a trigger warning), learned about dresscode and what it means to be All-A-Taut-O. I'm learning alltogether what it's like working at an American high school.